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Dog Care Info, Issue 51
January 04, 2015
A howling hi for 2015

Over the festive season many dogs have been hurt, lost and even killed due to management failing and negligence reminding us about Max the Husky that was killed by a neighbour which has the country up and arms due-fully so. It’s a little late to have an up roar after the fact; instead lets start this year by being pro-active. My own dog, Gephetto our Labrador got out over the festive season and the reason being that our electric gate failed. Which comes down to management failing.

We made a set up to ensure their safety that the yard is now double gated. There is always ways to improve your dog’s safety. If there is an area where your dog jumps over, digs or chews through fix it with something better. The chain is only as strong as the weakest link; the same goes for fencing and walls.

There are certain dog breeds that are notorious when it comes to escaping to name a few, Huskies, Jack Russels, Staffies etc have mastered the skill of being escape artist it’s in their genetics. This is possible for any breed though and the more practice they get the better skilled they get becoming masters at escaping. Now to make this even worse, the dangers are when they do get out they can be run over, landing up at a shelter with you not finding your dog again, being stolen and possibly used in dog fights, dying of starvation or other illnesses contracted like biliary which is caused by ticks they pick up while roaming or even worse shot or killed for roaming and possibly attacking other peoples livestock.

Reasons dogs tend to escape – Fire works (fear-noise fobia)

- Boredom – what is boredom for one dog can be different for another dog especially for young dogs and can be worse in certain breeds including Huskies

- Prey drive – the drive to chase and likely kill other animals usually smaller and have different specie including cats, livestock, chickens, birds etc. Once again worse in certain breeds but possible in all dogs

- Gates left open or fences being to low or weak.

Ways to improve your dogs safety – Double gate your yard which means have a area where you can keep your dog/s when left unattended. This should be behind a gate and proper fence so that if your main gate does open your dog is still behind another gate when cars are driving in or out of your property etc.

- Refrain from using mesh fencing to keep your dogs in especially Huskies and like wise breeds, they can chew threw, jump over and dig under and very easy for people to steal your dogs.

- Have a wall around your property 2meter is recommended for breeds that escape with electric fencing.

- Refrain from palisade fencing as this have caused the death of many dogs as well as some dogs being able to escape between the bars.

- When there are fire works of thunder and your dog suffers from noise phobia be sure to keep your dog in the house. If he suffers from this and you are not able to be home book him into a reputable boarding kennel. Get calming meds from your vet, invest in a thunder shirt. To add to that you can also play calming music from “Through a Dogs ear”.

- Try and walk your dog/s daily, preferably twice a day for 20 – 30 min.

- Mentally stimulate your dog by enrolling at a training force free training centre for either nose work/scent work or behavioural training. Play interactive games like tug of war with your dog.

- Be sure that your dog wears a collar with a visible i.d. tag with his/her name and your number also write on the inside of the collar incase the tag falls off. Have your dog micro chipped. This is a very quick inexpensive procedure done at the vet and most animal shelters. Having this done your dog has a chip inserted in the back of his neck that when scanned gives the person scanning your dog your contact details.

- If you do go away on holiday – do not get someone that just pops in daily to feed your dog/s, either get someone that can live in or book your dog into a reputable boarding kennel. Be sure to check out references and facilities before hand.

I hope that this letter will assist you in keeping your dogs out of harms way this year!

Happy new year! Louise

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